Enroll Now

Get your resume reviewed with impactful critiques to land more interviews

Review my CV →

How It Works

The review process is simple no matter your work or resume writing experience.


1. Answer questions

After purchasing, you will receive an automated email asking you to answer a couple questions going over your career goals and to attach your most recent resume. If you don’t have a resume, use my free resume template below!

2. Resume review

The critiques and suggestions for your resume will be based on your answers. All feedback will happen via email and to answer any questions you may have (expect a 1 week turnaround).

3. Apply feedback

Based on the feedback, you can go back and update your resume. Once complete, send your resume back via email for a follow up review.

4. Revision review

Your resume will be reviewed again. Same as before, all feedback will occur via email (expect a 1 week turnaround).

5. Land more interviews

Use your new A+ resume to get job interviews!

Need help getting started? 

Sign up to receive a free resume template delivered to your inbox.

Resume Review


Sentence structure

Metric writing

Headers & styling

Resume length

One revision review included